Thanks for follow-up observations to: Uwe Süssenberger, Wolfgang Ries, Rolf Apitzsch, Richard Gierlinger and Gerhard Lehmann
ONS: 2017 UY205 = SKRK267 submitted 2011-09-26 04:58UT
MPC Database 291: 2018 AU69 = ESRK133 & (ESRKa33 manual linked by A. Doppler) discovered 30.9.2011 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database ONS: 2014 HF92 = SKSK053 submitted 2011-10-23 12:58UT
MPC Database ONS: 2011 UA467 = ESRK352 submitted 2011-10-24 02:15UT
MPC Database ONS: (598748) = 2009 BK197 = SKRK082, submitted 2009-02-25, discovered by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database ONS: (596033) = 2004 TA375 = ESRK362, submitted 2011-10-24, discovered by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database ONS: 2015 XX139 = SKRK310 discovered 3.10.2011
MPC Database 290: 2011 WL78 ->Lost to 691
289: (708121) = 2011 UO369 = SKSK057 submitted 23.10.2011 12:58UT discovered 23.10.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 288: 2011 UC288 ->Lost to 691
285: 2011 UL267 ->Lost lo 807
284: 2011 UK267 ->Lost to G96
283: 2011 UJ267 ->Lost to 691
282: 2011 UH267 ->Lost to G96
281: 2011 UG267 = SKRK388, discovered 26.10.2011
MPC Database 279: 2011 UB195 ->Lost to 691
274: 2011 UL159 ->Lost to 691
273: 2011 UK159 ->Lost to 703
272: (708018) = 2011 UC90 = SKSK023 submitted 23.10.2011 07:57UT discovered 22.10.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 271: (649872) = 2011 TG12 discovered 4.10.2011 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
268: (600309) = 2011 TK3 discovered 3.10.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 266: (581801) = 2011 TH3 discovered 3.10.2011 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 265: 2011 TG3 discovered 3.10.2011 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database ->Lost to 691
264: (602619) = 2011 TF3 discovered 3.10.2011 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 263: 2011 TE3 ->Lost to 691
262: 2011 TD3 discovered 3.10.2011by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 261: 2011 TC3 ->Lost to 691
260: 2011 TB3 discovered 3.10.2011by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 259: 2011 TA3 discovered 3.10.2011by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 250: 2011 TN1 ->Lost to F51
249: (667905) = 2011 TM1 discovered 2.10.2011 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 247: 2011 TK1 discovered by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
MPC Database twonighter
241: (590190) = 2011 SN234 discovered 30.9.2011 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 238: 2011 SK234 discovered 30.9.2011 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to F51
---: (545685) = 2011 SV192 discovered 25.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling asterisk at G96, but B01 was earlier
MPC Database 234: 2011 SO192 discovered 25.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 231: 2011 SL192 ->Lost to G96
225: 2011 SH106 discovered 23.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to 691
224: 2011 SG106 ->Lost to 645
222: (590175) = 2011 SE106 discovered 23.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 217: 2011 SF94 discovered 23.9.2011 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 216: 2011 SE94 discovered 23.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to F51
211: 2011 SF71 discovered 23.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to F51
210: 2011 SE71 discovered 23.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 209: 2011 SD71 ->Lost to F51
207: 2011 SW68 ->Lost to F51
206: (655933) = 2015 TY87 = 2011 SJ66 discovered 20.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 205: (575349) = 2011 ST38 discovered 20.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 203: 2011 SR38 discovered 20.9.2011 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to G96
201: 2011 SP38 ->Lost to F51
200: 2011 SO38 ->Lost to F51
----------------- new discovery credit rules -------------------
198: (593464) = 2010 RW37 discovered 5.9.2010 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 197: (686093) = 2010 RV37 discovered 4.9.2010 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 195: 2010 ED22 ->Lost to 691
194: (706493) = 2010 EC22 discovered 9.3.2010 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 193: (400775) = 2010 EK21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
191: (485065) = 2010 EH21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
190: 2010 ED21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database ->Lost to 291, new rule
189: (301625) = 2010 EC21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
188: (284941) = 2010 EB21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
187: (384539) = 2010 EA21 discovered 9.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
186: (343444) Halluzinelle = 2010 EW20 discovered 7.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
185: (347020) = 2010 EV20 discovered 7.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
183: (462765) = 2010 EN12 discovered 8.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
180: (547164) = 2010 EO12 discovered 8.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database 179: (343981) = 2010 EE12 discovered 7.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
177: (574201) = 2010 EY11 discovered 4.3.2010 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database 176: (589557) = 2010 ET2 discovered 4.3.2010 by E.Schwab, R.Kling -> final credit to Catalina on 2010-03-05 by CSS.
MPC Database 173: (407159) = 2009 UQ18 discovered 19.10.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
171: (266831) = 2009 UW3 discovered 18.10.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
170: 2009 UV3 ->Lost to J75
169: (477338) = 2009 UE3 discovered 18.10.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
167: (372542) = 2009 TM15 discovered 14.10.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
166: (379248) = 2009 TK15 discovered 15.10.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
164: 2009 SJ338 discovered 27.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 162: (274928) = 2009 SU170 discovered 26.09.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
157: (231618) = 2009 SF104 discovered 25.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
156: (243466) = 2009 SE104 discovered 25.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
155: 2009 SD104 discovered 22.09.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 153: (330916) = 2009 SS102 discovered 23.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
152: (369315) = 2009 SR102 discovered 23.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
151: (325557) = 2009 SK101 discovered 22.09.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
150: (665623) = 2009 SV99 discovered 23.09.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 149: (369297) = 2009 SW20 discovered 23.09.2009 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
148: 2009 SM20 discovered 22.09.2009 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database 147: (316132) = 2009 SO19 discovered 22.09.2009 by S. Karge, R.Kling   Jupiter-Trojan Asteroid
146: (429097) = 2009 SJ19 discovered 22.09.2009 by S. Karge, U.Zimmer
145: (228148) = 2009 SH19 discovered 22.09.2009 by S. Karge, U.Zimmer   Jupiter-Trojan Asteroid
144: (266711) = 2009 QX38 discovered 30.08.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
143: (274847) = 2009 QW38 discovered 29.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
142: (274846) = 2009 QO38 discovered 30.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
141: (369279) = 2009 QN38 discovered 30.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
140: (269391) = 2009 QM37 discovered 31.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
139: (365274) = 2009 QV36 discovered 30.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
138: (225250) Georgfranziska = 2009 QU36 discovered 30.08.2009 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
137: (419023) = 2009 QT36 discovered 29.08.2009 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
136: (648175) = 2009 QT30 discovered 22.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
MPC Database 135: (325457) = 2009 QZ29 discovered 23.08.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
134: (599017) = 2009 QJ27 discovered 23.08.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 133: (386616) = 2009 QC26 discovered 20.08.2009 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
131: (330856) Ernsthelene = 2009 QT9 discovered 20.08.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
129: (321405) Ingehorst = 2009 QZ discovered 16.08.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
126: (389280) = 2009 HQ46 discovered 20.04.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
125: (251595) Rudolfböttger = 2009 HA36 discovered 20.04.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
124: (309949) = 2009 GD3 discovered 14.04.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
123: 2009 GC2 discovered 13.04.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 122: (312558) = 2009 GC discovered 02.04.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
120: (514985) = 2009 FK28 discovered 21.03.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
119: (365186) = 2009 FV 25 discovered 22.03.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
118: (296362) = 2009 FU 25 discovered 21.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
117: (384262) = 2009 FP25 discovered 22.03.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
116: (309915) = 2009 FP14 discovered 20.03.2009 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
115: (705619) = 2009 FF14 discovered 18.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 114: 2009 FB14 ->Lost to G96, new rule
111: (356104) = 2009 FC4 discovered 18.03.2009 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
110: (346865) = 2009 FJ3 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
109: 2009 FN2 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database ->maybe to 691, new rule
107: (309911) = 2009 FG2 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
106: (598853) = 2009 FE2 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 105: (243440) Colonia = 2009 FD2 discovered 17.03.2009 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
104: (414444) = 2009 FC2 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
101: 2009 FZ1 ->Lost to 691, new rule
100: (343133) = 2009 FY1 discovered 17.03.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
99: (648073) = 2009 FX1 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 98: (375668) = 2009 FW1 discovered 17.03.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling   Hungaria family Asteroid
97: 2009 DM45 discovered 25.02.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling, U.Zimmer   Near Earth Asteroid
MPC Database 96: (362122) = 2009 DD12 discovered 18.02.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
95: (484791) = 2009 DS discovered 18.02.2009 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
93: (343005) = 2009 BB81 discovered 30.01.2009 by S.Karge, R.Kling
92: 2009 BU73 discovered 29.01.2009 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database ->maybe to G96, new rule
91: (343000) Ijontichy = 2009 BH73 discovered 29.01.2009 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
87: (295987) = 2008 YA66 discovered 29.12.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
85: (301160) = 2008 YX29 discovered 29.12.2008 by S.Karge, R.Kling
83: (283142) Weena = 2008 YV29 discovered 29.12.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
82: (375639) = 2008 YX27 discovered 28.12.2008 by S.Karge, R.Kling
81: (237297) = 2008 YW27 discovered 28.12.2008 by S.Karge, R.Kling
79: (352705) = 2008 SC152 discovered 28.09.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
78: (627247) = 2008 SL148 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database 77: (418532) Saruman = 2008 SZ84 discovered 27.09.2008 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
--: 2013 AO21 discovered 27.09.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling ONS ESRK066, submitted 2008-11-10 15:44:15->Lost to 691 submitted 2008-10-06 12:45:50
MPC Database 75: (378791) = 2008 SQ84 discovered 27.09.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
74: 2008 SP84 discovered 27.09.2008 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
MPC Database 73: (572636) = 2008 SO84 discovered 27.09.2008 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer (Taunus)
MPC Database 72: 2008 SN84 ->Lost to 291, new rule
71: (450981) = 2008 SM84 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
69: 2008 SK84 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, U.Zimmer
MPC Database twonighter
68: (367436) Siena = 2008 SM83 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
67: (295565) Hannover = 2008 SL83 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
65: (684319) = 2008 SJ83 discovered 27.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
MPC Database 64: (221917) Opites = 2008 SD83 discovered 26.09.2008 by S.Karge, E.Schwab   Jupiter-Trojan Asteroid
61: (369134) = 2008 RG79 discovered 08.09.2008 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
60: (414309) = 2008 RF79 discovered 08.09.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
59: (381453) = 2008 RO26 discovered 08.09.2008 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
58: 2008 QP34 discovered 30.08.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling submitted 2008-09-11 15:05:33 ->Lost to G96 submitted 2008-09-09 12:30:17
MPC Database 56: (295476) = 2008 QN23 discovered 29.08.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
55: (418444) = 2008 QM23 discovered 29.08.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
53: (346314) = 2008 QV19 discovered 29.08.2008 by S.Karge, R.Kling
-------- MPC implemented our nomenclature of observer assigned designations -----------
50: (189398) Soemmerring = 2008 JG20 discovered 07.05.2008 by S.Karge, R.Kling
49: (263391) = 2008 DA discovered 16.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
48: (216390) Binnig = 2008 CK177 discovered 14.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
47: (588450) = 2008 CJ177 discovered 14.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 46: 2008 CE177 discovered 11.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 45: (300934) = 2008 CS119 discovered 14.02.2008 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
44: (375156) = 2008 CZ116 discovered 11.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
43: (256813) Marburg = 2008 CW116 discovered 11.02.2008 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
42: (410448) = 2008 CE72 discovered 10.02.2008 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
41: (371868) = 2008 CQ21 discovered 07.02.2008 by E.Schwab, U.Zimmer
36: (207783) = 2007 TA106 discovered 06.10.2007 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
33: 2007 TU105 ->Lost to 691, new rule
32: (315277) = 2007 TT105 discovered 15.10.2007 by S.Karge, R.Kling
30: (207763) Oberursel = 2007 TP23 discovered 06.10.2007 by R.Kling, U.Zimmer
26: (315251) = 2007 SJ11 discovered 16.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
25: (293909) Matterhorn = 2007 SS 2 discovered 16.09.2007 by S.Karge, R.Kling
24: (204873) FAIR = 2007 SW1 discovered 17.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
ONS: 2007 RT362 submitted as ESRK023 on 2007-09-29 15:01UT by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 21: 2007 RP307 discovered 15.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling submitted as ESRK024 2007-09-29 15:01:41 ->Lost to G96 submitted 2007-09-20 10:05:20
MPC Database 19: (293809) Zugspitze = 2007 RD162 discovered 15.09.2007 by S.Karge, R.Kling
18: (278417) = 2007 RR146 discovered 14.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
17: (621048) = 2007 RT133 discovered 13.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
MPC Database 16: (204852) Frankfurt = 2007 RH133 discovered 15.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
15: (410193) = 2007 RG133 discovered 15.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
14: (309274) = 2007 RB133 discovered 15.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
13: (192220) Oicles = 2007 RZ132 discovered 14.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling   Jupiter-Trojan Asteroid
12: (243109) Hansludwig = 2007 RT132 discovered 12.09.2007 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
11: (207687) Senckenberg = 2007 RZ15 discovered 12.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
10: (274020) Skywalker = 2007 RW15 discovered 12.09.2007 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
9: (352162) = 2007 RV15 discovered 12.09.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
8: (241136) Sandstede = 2007 QY11 discovered 25.08.2007 by S.Karge, R.Kling
6: (281140) Trier = 2007 DO7 discovered 16.02.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
5: 2007 DH7 discovered 16.02.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling submitted 2007-02-22 09:27:42 ->Lost to 691 submitted 2007-02-17 12:50:12
MPC Database 4: (278141) Tatooine = 2007 CS61 discovered 15.02.2007 by S.Karge, E.Schwab
2: (378214) Sauron = 2007 AP11 discovered 14.01.2007 by E.Schwab, R.Kling   Mars-orbit-crossing Asteroid
1: (224831) Neeffisis = 2006 WV129 discovered 27.11.2006 by E.Schwab, R.Kling
By default, ephemerides are geocentric, begin now and are for 20 days at 1
day intervals. The desired start date for the ephemeris should be entered in
YYYY MM DD format, e.g., 2003 July 19 = 2003 07 19.
Start date for ephemerides: Number of dates to output
Ephemeris interval: Ephemeris
units: days hours minutes seconds
For daily ephemerides, enter desired offset from 0h UT: hours
If you select 8-line MPC format, you may display the residual block for the
objects selected:
Show residuals blocks. Show only residual lines containing observations from code .
If you select 8-line MPC format the elements will be displayed with the ephemerides.
If you select any format other than 8-line MPC format, only the elements are returned.
In such cases your browser should download the elements file and save it
to your local disk.
The summary lists the current J2000.0 coordinates, visual magnitude and
solar elongation of the selected minor planets, as well as information on
the date of last observation (where available), forthcoming opposition
data and details on the latest published orbit. The opposition data lists
the date of the next opposition and the declination and visual magnitude
at that time.
The list of available formats for the orbital elements was correct at the
time this document was prepared. It is possible that the Minor Planet
Center now supports futher formats. If you select the summary option,
any newly supported formats will be listed.
The elements supplied are the latest published elements for the
specified objects. Elements will be found even if the designation you
enter is a non-principal designation in an identification or if the object
has been numbered.
Ephemerides can be supplied for objects with only Väisälä
elements, but the elements themselves are not supplied.
The ephemerides supplied for minor planets and comets are
perturbed (if the orbits were computed with perturbations) and can be
generated over the time period 1900 to 2040. Objects with unperturbed
orbit solutions will return unperturbed ephemerides. Objects must be
identified in images by their motion, not by their apparent closeness
to a predicted position.
The time-scale of the supplied ephemerides is UTC.
If you desire a topocentric ephemeris, enter your observatory code
in the appropriate box. When local circumstances are displayed, the
azimuths are reckoned westwards from the south meridian.
As an aide-mémoire, the packed
form of the object's designation (as used on the
observation record)
is displayed immediately above the ephemeris.