Minor Planet discoveries 

by Erwin Schwab at Tzec Maun Foundation Observatories

H10: Tzec Maun Observatory, Mayhill, New Mexico, USA
D25: Tzec Maun Observatory, Pingelly, Western Australia
D96: Tzec Maun Observatory, Moorook, South Australia

probably Discovery credit lost

Thanks for follow-up observations to: Gustavo Muler (J47)

Display ephemerides or summary

The following objects, discovered at the Taunus Observatory, are available:

ONS: MPC Database 2015 FL311 first observed as ONS (SchwaP7 2011-01-14) but credit to G36 – Calar Alto-CASADO
ONS: MPC Database 2015 KJ131 Only as onenighter, lost to G96
ONS: (739793) = 2018 VN33 = Schwa29 submitted 2008-12-04 09:21UT MPC Database
ONS: (591421) = 2013 RU8 = SchwaO3 submitted 2011-01-03 12:09UT MPC Database
89: (585491) = 2011 HN28 discovered 26.04.2011 MPC Database -> Lost to 703
88: (384696) 2011 HN6 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
87: (687004) = 2011 HM6 discovered 26.04.2011 by E.Schwab, submitted 2011-04-27 07:59UT as SchwaT9 MPC Database
86: (420191) = 2011 GT60 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
85: (347170) 2011 FD41 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
84: (279690) 2011 FB41 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
83: (458596) = 2011 FA41 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
--: 2011 EV88 = SchwaS2 (Schwa2S) submitted 2011-03-03 11:36UT MPC Database new discovery credit rule
82: (276733) = 2011 CM5discovered 4.02.2011 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
81: (591420) = 2011 AC68 discovered 14.01.2011 by E.Schwab, submitted 2011-01-14 11:03UT as SchwaP8 MPC Database
80: (367778) = 2010 XH52 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
79: (530100) = 2010 XR51 discovered 9.12.2010 by E.Schwab MPC Database
78: 2010 XQ51 recovered 9.12.2010
77: 2010 WF59discovered 30.11.2010 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
76: 2010 VX129discovered 9.11.2010 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
75: (745254) = 2010 VM122 discovered 6.11.2010 submitted 2010-11-06 20:00UT as SchwaJ5 asterisk at wrong place, confirmed by Tim's email on 2010-11-23 MPC Database
74: 2010 VC61discovered 6.11.2010 by E.Schwab
73: 2010 VV39 discovered 5.11.2010 MPC Database -> Lost to G96
72: (376084) Annettepeter = 2010 VW20 discovered 3.11.2010 by E.Schwab
71: (706882) = 2010 VV20 discovered 3.11.2010 submitted 2010-11-04 10:54UT as SchwaH7 Hilda Asteroid MPC Database
----------------- new discovery credit rules -------------------
70: (745165) = 2010 TY168 discovered 02.10.2010 submitted 2010-10-02 19:43UT as SchwaE8 resend 2010-10-13 07:28UT Mars-orbit crossing Asteroid MPC Database new discovery credit rule
69: (589808) = 2010 TH166 discovered 13.10.2010 submitted 2010-10-13 16:45UT as SchwaG7 MPC Database new discovery credit rule
68: 2010 TG166 discovered 13.10.2010 submitted 2010-10-13 13:34UT as SchwaF8 MPC Database new discovery credit rule - twonighter
67: (316430) = 2010 TF166 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
66: (411314) = 2010 TJ149 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
65: (325870) = 2010 TR149 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
64: (400863) = 2010 NY66 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
63: 2010 NL6 recovered 6.7.2010
62: 2010 JS171 discovered 5.5.2010 by E.Schwab MPC Database onenighter
61: 2010 JR31 discovered 5.5.2010 by E.Schwab
60: 2010 GZ34 discovered 9.4.2010 submitted 2010-04-09 11:00UT as Schwa99 MPC Database old discovery credit rule
----------------- new designation rules -------------------------
59: (243536) Mannheim = 2010 EQ111 discovered 15.3.2010 by E.Schwab
58: (343323) = 2010 CP1 discovered 8.2.2010 by E.Schwab
57: (336698) Melbourne = 2010 CJ discovered 5.2.2010 by E.Schwab
56: (271341) 2009 YS17 recovered 23.12.2009
55: 2009 YS16 discovered 23.12.2009 submitted 2009-12-25 13:07UT as Schwa88 MPC Database -> LOST to 699, new rule
54: (458063) Gustavomuler = 2009 YB7 discovered 21.12.2009 by E.Schwab
53: (633770) = 2009 XM8 discovered 14.12.2009 submitted 2009-12-16 15:23UT as Schwa85 MPC Database old discovery credit rule
52: (369588) = 2009 UU3 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
51: (410965) = 2009 TG4 discovered 13.10.2009 by E.Schwab
50: (325558) Guyane = 2009 SP101 discovered 24.09.2009 by E.Schwab
49: 2009 RW4 discovered 15.09.2009 MPC Database -> Lost to 691, new rule
48: (414485) = 2009 QR35 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
47: (330862) = 2009 QZ33 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
46: 2009 QQ26 recovered 22.08.2009
45: 2009 QD11discovered 22.08.2009 by E.Schwab
44: (379157) = 2009 QB11 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
43: (274835) Aachen = 2009 QC11 discovered 22.08.2009 by E.Schwab
42: (379155) Volkerheinrich = 2009 QR6 discovered 18.08.2009 by E.Schwab
41: (379153) = 2009 QV1 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
40: (599010) = 2009 QU1 discovered 17.08.2009 submitted 2009-08-18 09:40UT as Schwa65 MPC Database old discovery credit rule
39: 2009 QT1 discovered 17.08.2009 MPC Database -> Lost to 691, new rule
38: (264020) Stuttgart = 2009 QS1 discovered 17.08.2009 by E.Schwab
37: (296530) = 2009 OV9 discovered 28.07.2009 by E.Schwab
36: (365243) = 2009 MV7 discovered 25.06.2009 by E.Schwab
35: 2009 MY discovered 21.06.2009 by E.Schwab
34: (389293) Hasubick = 2009 KH2 discovered 19.05.2009 by E.Schwab
33: (484844) = 2009 HL68 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
32: (457752) = 2009 HK68 discovered 27.04.2009 by E.Schwab
31: 2009 HH60discovered 24.04.2009 by E.Schwab
30: (263932) Speyer = 2009 HY44 discovered 22.04.2009 by E.Schwab
29: (328477) Eckstein = 2009 HG36 discovered 21.04.2009 by E.Schwab
28: 2009 HK21 discovered 20.04.2009 submitted 2009-04-21 15:57UT as Schwa51 MPC Database -> LOST to 691, new rule
27: 2009 HQ2 recovered 19.04.2009
26: (316042) Tilofranz = 2009 HP2 discovered 19.04.2009 by E.Schwab
25: (303673) 2009 FH32 recovered 28.03.2009
24: (343138) = 2009 FG32 discovered 28.03.2009 by E.Schwab
23: (301394) Bensheim = 2009 DB31 discovered 23.02.2009 by E.Schwab
22: (216433) Milianleo = 2009 DM3 discovered 19.02.2009 by E.Schwab
21: (352945) = 2009 BL10 discovered 21.01.2009 by E.Schwab
20: (632834) = 2008 XD3 discovered 05.12.2008 submitted 2008-12-07 10:31UT as Schwa34 MPC Database new discovery credit rule
19: (435840) = 2008 WS94 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
18: (281661) = 2008 VW13 discovered 08.11.2008 by E.Schwab
17: 2008 VV13 discovered 08.11.2008 MPC Database -> Lost to G96, new rule
16: (279037) = 2008 VU13 discovered 08.11.2008 by E.Schwab
15: (435797) = 2008 VM4 discovered 04.11.2008 by E.Schwab
14: (283117) = 2008 VU  discovered 01.11.2008 by E.Schwab
13: (241418) Darmstadt = 2008 UX201 discovered 31.10.2008 by E.Schwab
12: (490156) = 2008 UV199 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
11: (207901) Tzecmaun = 2008 US91 discovered 28.10.2008 by E.Schwab
10: (378917) Stefankarge = 2008 UP91 discovered 28.10.2008 by E.Schwab
9: (301061) Egelsbach = 2008 UO91 discovered 28.10.2008 by E.Schwab
8: (332633) = 2008 UK4 discovered 24.10.2008 by E.Schwab
7: (342277) = 2008 TE10 discovered 08.10.2008 by E.Schwab
6: (614137) = 2008 TH10 discovered 08.10.2008 by E.Schwab submitted 2008-10-09 06:14UT as Schwa06 MPC Database old discovery credit rule
5: (476663) = 2008 TG10 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
4: (418621) = 2008 TJ10 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
3: (375426) = 2008 TF10 DISCOVERY CREDIT LOST
2: 2008 TD10discovered 08.10.2008 by E.Schwab
1: 2008 TC10discovered 08.10.2008 by E.Schwab



By default, ephemerides are geocentric, begin now and are for 20 days at 1 day intervals. The desired start date for the ephemeris should be entered in YYYY MM DD format, e.g., 2003 July 19 = 2003 07 19.

Start date for ephemerides: Number of dates to output

Ephemeris interval: Ephemeris units: days hours minutes seconds

For daily ephemerides, enter desired offset from 0h UT: hours

Observatory code:

Display positions in: truncated sexagesimal or full sexagesimal or decimal units

Display motions as: "/sec "/min "/hr °/day

Total motion and direction Separate R.A. and Decl. sky motions Separate R.A. and Decl. coordinate motions

Suppress output if sun above local horizon

Suppress output if object below local horizon

Generate perturbed ephemerides for unperturbed orbits

Also display elements for epoch

Format for elements output:

none MPC 1-line MPC 8-line
SkyMap (SkyMap Software) Guide (Project Pluto) xephem (E. Downey)
Home Planet (J. Walker) MyStars! (Relative Data Products) TheSky (Software Bisque)
Starry Night (Sienna Software) Deep Space (D. S. Chandler) PC-TCS (D. Harvey)
Earth Centered Universe (Nova Astronomics) Dance of the Planets (ARC) MegaStar V4.x (E.L.B. Software)
SkyChart 2000.0 (Southern Stars Software) Voyager II (Carina Software) SkyTools (CapellaSoft)
Autostar (Meade Instruments)

If you select 8-line MPC format, you may display the residual block for the objects selected:

Show residuals blocks. Show only residual lines containing observations from code . If you select 8-line MPC format the elements will be displayed with the ephemerides. If you select any format other than 8-line MPC format, only the elements are returned. In such cases your browser should download the elements file and save it to your local disk.

Supplementary Information

The summary lists the current J2000.0 coordinates, visual magnitude and solar elongation of the selected minor planets, as well as information on the date of last observation (where available), forthcoming opposition data and details on the latest published orbit. The opposition data lists the date of the next opposition and the declination and visual magnitude at that time.

The list of available formats for the orbital elements was correct at the time this document was prepared. It is possible that the Minor Planet Center now supports futher formats. If you select the summary option, any newly supported formats will be listed.

The elements supplied are the latest published elements for the specified objects. Elements will be found even if the designation you enter is a non-principal designation in an identification or if the object has been numbered.

Ephemerides can be supplied for objects with only Väisälä elements, but the elements themselves are not supplied.

The ephemerides supplied for minor planets and comets are perturbed (if the orbits were computed with perturbations) and can be generated over the time period 1900 to 2040. Objects with unperturbed orbit solutions will return unperturbed ephemerides. Objects must be identified in images by their motion, not by their apparent closeness to a predicted position.

The time-scale of the supplied ephemerides is UTC.

If you desire a topocentric ephemeris, enter your observatory code in the appropriate box. When local circumstances are displayed, the azimuths are reckoned westwards from the south meridian.

As an aide-mémoire, the packed form of the object's designation (as used on the astrometric observation record) is displayed immediately above the ephemeris.

This service utilises the Minor Planet Ephemeris Service, courtesy of the IAU's Minor Planet Center. It has been made possible by Process Software Corporation, and their excellent VMS Web server, Purveyor.

The calculations will be performed on the Tamkin Foundation Computing Network.